Early NZ Game Changers - Personal account Elizabeth Sullivan

Written by Stacey Williams.

Screen Shot 2018 10 14 at 9.03.17 AMEarly NZ Game Changers
As personal account by NZBWN member, Elizabeth Sullivan

In March I was fortunate enough to spend the day with my grandmother’s cousin, Madeline Anderson Orlowski. Born on 4th May 1907, on Baldwin St, Dunedin, the world's steepest residential street, Madeline is the oldest person in New Zealand. She is the granddaughter of New Zealand's earliest Polish settlers, who arrived at Port Chalmers in December 1872.

The eldest of 4 sisters, fear did not feature in Madeline’s vocabulary, nor that of her youngest sisters Rayena, Mavis and Gertrude. One day when they were staying in Wanaka, the 4 sisters took their dad’s car, a Crossley, to visit friends at a station in Glenorchy, on the far side of Lake Wakatipu. Driving down the treacherous Crown range towards Arrowtown, the brakes failed, but Mavis managed to control the car, driving it to Arrowtown and then on to Queenstown.

The sun had set before they started on their way home, not to be put off by the man who said, ‘If you’re going to drive through the Kawerau Gorge in the dark, you’ve got the courage of Ned Kelly’ (an Australian outlaw). The battery and headlights were low & Madeline had to walk in front, so they could see where they were going. They got home eventually, returning the car to their dad without brakes or lights, but they and the car were all in one piece.

Celebrating 125 years of having the vote

Written by Emma Keeling.

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Is change happening fast enough?

It was a resounding NO from almost everyone in the room at the game changers evening to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the women of New Zealand winning the right to vote.

As we gathered in the penthouse of the High Commission, faces of game changes of the past and present watched as we sipped wine and prepared to be challenged and inspired, although we didn’t know to what extent.

So often in our everyday lives we get together with our friends for a wine that can turn into a whine. But on this night as men, women, Maori, pakeha and well, everybody, gathered at the feet of our six wise panellists (they were on a podium), it was obvious the organisers wanted this to be forward thinking, discussing how we, together, can put change into motion. How can we progress equality and diversity in society?

Money, a Love Story by Kate Northrup.

Written by Stacey Williams.

Mon£y – A Love Story

Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want by Kate Northrup
Review by Bronwen Horton

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This is the first book we’ve read which covers personal finances and from the outset there was consensus in the room that we were not brought up to talk about money and investments. As always we had some members completely finishing the book and others coming along with differing portions of the book left to read. For us, completing the book is not required but rather a willingness to discuss and give opinions freely and respectfully - especially in this instance where money is not a topic a majority of people feel comfortable talking about.

For most, the book was easy to read with the author using plain English and a layperson’s approach to the subject. If financial jargon was used it was fully explained. What was challenging was that each chapter ended with an exercise. Those around the table who had done the exercises found them useful but those who were reading the book while commuting found this a little difficult.

Our Stories: Bridget Walsh

Written by Linda Rose.

Bridget Walsh bw 2 GIMP smallMiss Bridget Walsh – as she is known professionally – has an impressive tour history. She has performed with bands in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, France, Mexico and the Czech Republic to name but a few. Bridget got the touring bug early - she travelled with her school choir from Westlake Girls in Takapuna to both Hawaii and Vancouver.

But, of course, the music began before that. On her mum’s side, Bridget is the oldest grandchild in a large family of Irish heritage, and says her grandmother played the piano and her mum has a beautiful singing voice. “And I was bossy and a bit of a show-off, clearly destined to be on stage.”

A degree in Music at Auckland university seemed appealing, but at age 16 Bridget found she just didn’t have a passion for classical music. A paper in pop music led to an invitation to audition for the university’s pop programme, and after a quick six-month trip to the UK (where a job at Clare’s Accessories nearly derailed her into retail management) Bridget took up her place on the programme and completed a Bachelor of Performing Arts in 2005, majoring in voice and piano.